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Head of Private High School at Germantown Academy

Dr. Molly MacKean
Head of Upper School

Debra Kennedy
Assistant to the Head of Upper School

Steve Moll
Interim Dean of Students

Rachael Jennings
Dean of Faculty

Upper School Stories


上学校的学生团体聚集在艺术中心礼堂最后一次集会在星期五, June 7, 2024 for the annual Prize Day ceremony, 这是一项表彰优秀学生的传统.

Welcome to Upper School!

9th – 12th Grade

At Germantown Academy, 我们的老师力求有目的地了解学生, genuine ways, 和他们一起走过他们的路,穿过 Upper School. 我们的老师有能力认识到优秀的潜力或激情的火花,创造了一个培育但具有挑战性的环境,在这个环境中,我们的学生可以充分发挥他们的天赋.

我们鼓励学生深入思考并提出问题, to investigate and to discover, and to learn with and from one another. While our college prep curriculum certainly provides students with excellent preparation for college and beyond, 它也提供了机会去探索一个全面的课程学习和追求现有的兴趣领域. We encourage our scholars, our athletes, and our performers to challenge themselves, to try, on occasion to fail, and, most importantly, 培养韧性和坚持不懈的决心.

Innovative Upper School Programs

Harkness Method

Harkness 在高中,桌子不仅仅是圆桌. They provide a forum for learning and debate. 通过辩论和探究学习的苏格拉底方法是GA所信奉的一种哲学. 从GA毕业的每个人都知道他们有自己的声音,并且有义务使用它.


GA体验计划(GAXP)是一个年度计划,以两次不同旅行的形式提供课堂外的学习机会. Each year, 9 - 11年级的学生可以申请这些旅行之一,通过与中国的独特经历来丰富他们的生活 GA Mission.

Academy Scholars

学院vwin娱乐场官方计划是一个机会,为学生与奖学金的热情, creative writing, visual art, performing art, or research (in the sciences, social sciences, 或人文学科)通过开发和研究一个重要的, independent project.


他们在vwin德赢娱乐的经历并不容易. 他们的能力不断受到考验, and they have had plenty of long days and nights.

Like every student at GA, 他们必须学会如何平衡学习和学习之间的时间, sports, music, volunteering, and activities outside of school. 但这一切都为他们应对未来的挑战做好了准备.


— Steve B., Horsham